
Guide to Xian Halal Street Food

Xian may be best known as the home of the Terracotta Warriors, and all those who make it out to the city's outskirts marvel at the thousands-strong clay army, silently standing guard over the tomb of the ancient ruler of the Qinshi Emperor. It's a sobering and impressive sight but when visitors head back to Xian, though their minds are full of historical musings, their bellies pull them swiftly back to the present with a resounding rumble, and thoughts turn to matters of the present. Namely, where to head for dinner?
The answer is an easy one, Muslim Street. Before entering into the food directly, there are some information about this street. There are two mosques, one is called Giant Mosque, the Muslim prayer is opened, another one is Dapiyuan mosque, which is seldom known, it is not open to the public hence it is so quiet. In this district, customs of living around the Muslim were kept, men go to pray everyday, women still wear the white scarf, young people need to go to the Muslim school, they are all dreaming to join into the pray in Mega.
On that note, here are the top 5 not-to-be-missed Muslim Street eats....
Xian Muslim Street
this is a delicious lamb stew, served with unleavened bread which is crumbled into the dish to soak up the soup. Traditionally the diner will first break the bread into an empty bowl, depending on how hungry they are, and then the chef will ladle in the stew. Unless you speak Chinese, you'll likely find they prepare it on your behalf, so you just have to slurp it up. Add pickled garlic and chili to taste.
Though more of a summer favorite, this dish of cold noodles can be found all year round in Xian. Thick, translucent wheat or rice flour noodles are mixed with garlic, ginger, pepper, sauce, vinegar, bean sprouts, capsicum powder, salt, finely chopped or grated cucumber, caraway, chicken stock and sesame oil. A final handful of noodles dipped in chili oil is often added for that little bit of extra lip-tingling goodness.
I remember clearly that when i was in the university, one of my classmates who live in Xian always want to invite us to have the roast lamb. You'll see the whole roasted beasts on display outside any number of small restaurants toward the south end of the street. Simply sidle up and see which one takes your fancy, order as much as you can eat until you feel full and become satisfied.
With the scent of freshly baking bread and roasting meat filling the air, the quandary of where to eat quickly becomes what to eat. And it is indeed the feature of this street, you will be not disappointed to be here as a traveler. More about Xian private tour and muslim travel agency here.

